Stress-Free Bookkeeping Your Business Deserves

Welcome to the bookkeeping services that will make managing your business finances easy, informative, and smooth. Focus on your business, not the books.

About Marcus Horton

Some background about the bookkeeper and owner.

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Want to figure out if Horton Bookkeeping is a good fit for your business? Book an appointment to discuss your business and needs and set a path for your business health and growth!

Service Levels

  • Tailored bookkeeping services for start-ups (year or less in existence), sole proprietors, and low-volume businesses with up to $10,000 in monthly expenses.

  • Tailored bookkeeping services focused on more established businesses, partnerships and businesses with limited payroll, and medium-volume businesses with up to $20,000 in monthly expenses.

  • Tailored bookkeeping services focused on established and complex businesses, partnerships, and corporations, businesses with more extensive payroll, and large-volume businesses with more than $20,000 in monthly expenses.

  • If the books have fallen behind or corrections are needed, this service will bring them to current. As with the ongoing bookkeeping services, this service gets the prior months in the condition expected, accurately and compliantly.


Not ready to request your free consultation but still have questions? Reach out here.